Wehrmacht '46
1:144 Leichter Waffenträger 38D
with 2 cm Flakvierling 38
Convertible Set

Colour Options

(3 Color Disruptive Camouflage)

This set is fully painted in 3 Color Disruptive Camouflaged scheme, and weathered. Minor assembling required.

This model is made with ABS-L using 3D printing.
Click here to learn more about ABS-L material.
Painted samples show model made with Game Grade material.

This set includes a 1:144 Leichter Waffenträger 38D with 2cm Flakvierling 38, a Cargo Bay, a Flak Sled, and one each of *New* Payload and Oil Drum sets. You can convert the set into a 2cm Flakvierling 38, Waffenträger 38D Transport with Field Machine Shop Tools .

The 2cm Flakvierling can be elevated and 360 degrees transverse both as stand alone or mounted on the waffentrager.

Perfect for providing mobile anti air support and perform field maintenance for your wargame or diorama usage.

For a brief description of the development of Leichter Waffenträger or Leichte Einheitswaffenträger ( Light Standardized Weapon Carriage),
click here

For information on the 2cm Flakvierling 38, click here.

This model is made with ABS-L using 3D printing.
Click here to learn more about ABS-L material.

(Diorama, figures and Accessories NOT Listed above are NOT included)
(Photos showed Game Grade models)

Not "N" scale or 1:160.

The model is fabricated with state of the art "3D Printing" technology. Highly detailed. Made in Hong Kong.