This vehicle is fully painted in Panzergrau scheme. Weathered and no assembling required.
This model features 360° traverse turret and gun elevates form 0° to 60° . The turret has a fully working ball housing as the real thing.

Kugelblitz - By the end of WWII, the German Armed Forces developed a revolutionary Anti Aircraft tank on the Panzer IV chassis. The gun turret features a fully enclosed armoured ball turret in which the gun crew rotated and elevated together with the twin 30mm flak guns. This enables building a turret with minimum space.

(Picture source: internet)
Pilot production of five units has been completed. As the Panzer IV chassis was about to stop, plans where made to adapt the turret to 38(t) chassis but never materialized.
Today one surviving turret was displayed at the Lehrsammlung der Heeresflugabwehrschule Germany.