Wehrmacht '46
1:144 German Aufklaerer 38D (Fu)
mit 2cm im Drehturm
(Reconnaissance vehicle with 20mm gun in turret and Radio)

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This vehicle is fully painted in dunkelgelb scheme. Weathered and no assembling required.

This model features 360° traverse turret underneath a fixed radio antenna.

38D - (Source: Panzer Tracts no. 20-2) In October 1944 German Panzerkommission decided to standardize future Panzer production to use only 3 types of chassis, the 38 (t), Panther and Tiger. Unfortunately the 38 (t) chassis was poorly suited for production by German industries and supply seriously fell short of the demand. A new leichter (light) chassis was redesigned for German production based on the 38 (t). The new chassis would be wider and mounting a new 220 hp Tatra diesel engine. The new chassis was named as 38 D, also known as Pz. 38 “Reich”.

Vehicles planned to utilize the chassis included:
1. Aufklaerer 38D mit 2cm im Drehturm (Reconnaissance vehicle with 20mm gun in turret);
2. Aufklaerer 38D mit 7.5cm L/48 ( (Reconnaissance vehicle with 75mmL/48 gun);
3. Panzerfahrzeug mit Granatwerfer (Armoured vehicle with 12cm mortar);
4. Halbgruppenfahrzeug (Armoured personnel carrier for half of an infantry section);
5. Kugelblitz 38D

The Aufklaerer 38D had a longer hull and track contact length. With a different gear ratio gear box, the Aufklaerer 38D was a faster vehicle than the regular 38 D although the engine remained the same.

This model of Aufklaerer 38D (Fu) mit 2cm im Drehturm features a 20mm Kwk 38 turret that was used on SdKfz 234/1 and SdKfz 250/9; and an radio antenna on a Aufklaerer 38D chassis.


(Diorama, other vehicles and figures NOT included)


Not "N" scale or 1:160.

The model is fabricated with state of the art "3D Printing" technology. Highly detailed. Product of Hong Kong.