1:144 Wargame Accessories
Country Bridge

This model is designed similar to the bridges build using stone, brick and concrete found in most countryside.

The bridge is roughly 17.5cm ( 6.9in) long, 4cm (1.6in) wide. Bridge surface is 3.4cm (1.3in) wide. Arch is 4.9cm ( 1.9in) wide.

Create Your Own Diorama or Fight Your Wargame Battles
with this 1:144 Country Bridge. Highly detailed and realistic. Specially designed for creating dioramas or wargame battlefields.

The Country Bridge is a single unit hand mastered model. No assembly is required. The model is casted with resin, fully painted and weathered and ready for battle. Each model is individually hand painted. Made in Hong Kong.

Compatible with 1:144 Dragon and Takara WTM series of vehicles, also suitable for N scale and 12mm military tank.

(Tank not included.)